Hello! Our group is “Modern Students”! We chose this name after discovering the things we had in common. The members of this group are different but all of us liked TV serial, especially Modern Family and we´re studying teaching training, so this is the reason of our name. We have created this blog to post here all the things that we are going to do in the subject “Institutional Organization”.

Our logo is the same as the serial but we have written “Students” instead of “Family”.

We hope you enjoy this blog!

miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2016


Modern students
This was my group, and our topic was ‘Ways of living together in school’.
We started talking about School mediation. Diversity is the cause of the problems in school, and cause bullying, violence and exclusion. This we can solved in two ways, preventive strategies, before it happen, and repair strategies, once it has happen. The mediators of the group are pupils, teachers and employed non-teaching staff.
Later we talked about Program to support peers, it’s objectives (improve coexistence, reduce cases of abuse), characteristics ( promote the ability and responsabilities, helps improve self- esteem), keys of the program ( conflicts as an engine of change, shared responsibility) and results (improve coexistence, decreased intensity of conflicts and increased safety and satisfaction).
We talked about one book called Archeology of feelings in school, by Miguel Angel Santos Guerra, that use archeology as a methapor of feelings in school, of children feelings. Each chapter talk about each stage of the archeology as the feelings in school (discovery, excavation, indagation, protection and esposure).
After this We named one school, called KiVa International School, that is a research- based anti-bullying program.It’s developed in the university of Turku. Kiva has a online webpage where you can find online ttraining for teachers, materials online for teachers, students,parents, and there is also anti-bullying programs.
Finally we put a video and give some conclusion about the video and the work. The mediation is one of the principal parts of the students assistance program. The kids have to control their own emotions if they want to fix the problem. The kids also fell save because they know that there are someone that can help them with their problems.

This group talked about Social and emotional learning. They started with why we have to include social and emotional learning in schools. In this part they include one idea of Rafael Bisquera, that it was as important as maths or language, and it will help chindren to understand better how they feel, prevent negative feelings,..
After they talk about the methodology, how to turn an idea into practice.
They said that it have things in common with multiple intelligence, that we see in Psychology, because every children has to develop his emotional intelligence, and to do it the propose to do ‘the week of the emotional intelligence’,  to put activities to develop this intelligence.
To end they talk about bullying, that we have to work to avoid it, and they give us a activity called ‘Walk in my shoes!’, that it’s about put yourself in the situation of another person when there is a conflict.

Amigos del football
This group talked about Inclusive schools. They started with a video of Kent school district, that it’s a inclusive school. They define us what was a Inclusive school and it’s caracteristics. A Inclusive school assumes the principle of respect and recognition of the difference of student. Integration and inclusions are two different thing, and they show us it like this:
The characteristics of a Inclusive school are defend diversity, hetereogeneity and interpersonal relationships, promote aquial rights for all, methodological focused on student characterstics, not to content, construction of an educational community and innvolvment of parents and community in school activities, among many others.
They named some ideas of authors like Gordon Porter, equity and quality in class, and an effective use of current resources, or Gerardo Echaita, that defend to put inclusive education into practice, and change the culture and the policy in the educative centres.
The barriers of Inclusive education are policies, diversity and didactics. They give us some strategies for the construction of Inclusive school like creating inclusive cultures, producing inclusive policies and envolving inclusive practice.
They told some examples of inclusives schools as O Peluro school in Pontevedra and Amara Berri School.

 The unknowns
This group talked too about Inclusive schools. They give it definition and characteristics, they give some ideas of some authors like Mel Ainscow, that defend inclusion in class and measure what we value rather than valuing what what we can measure.
They give us some objectives of inclusive schools, as not leave anyone out and promote equal opportunities. And they give us to some beneficts like develop individual strengths and gifts and involve the parents.
They put 2 videos about two differents inclusive schools, Padre Piquer centre ad Sadako school.

Cronicas viajeras
They talked us about ITC and learning disabilities, and they explain it with a clear map. Autism, Down’s syndrome and motor disability are the disabilities they chose, and they told us their difficulties, technologies (ITC) and results and consecuences of this technologies.
A autist person has difficulties like socialization, language, thougts, imagination… The technologies they can use to improve this difficulties are tablets and games, and the results and consecuences are integration support and support to the initiative.
A person with Down’s syndrome has distractions, minor initiative and poor differentiation between old and new stimull, so we can use with them some technologies like whiteboard and cameras, to memory aid, and help to concentrated.
A person with motor disability has physical and motor disabilities, and unadapted facilities. They can use Mp3, computers and laptops to help adaption, communication and comfort.
They finally put us a video about technologies and children with difficulties, and show us an app to help children with those learning disabilities.

Team perks
Team perk talked about ITC and improvement schools. They did a good scheme and the know how to explain it well. The scheme was divided in four parts: Teachers and ITC, how it works, social learning in schools and other tools.
In the part of Teachers and ITC, they talked about digital natives, digital divide and future teachers, and we studied those concepts it the first quarter, with our teacher Sara.
ITC has some advantages , but sometimes it has difficulties. As an advantage we have avoid problems like the excess of weight in bags, and as difficulty we have that some tools are expensives.
About social learning in school, they talked about beneficts of social networks.
And finally they talked about apps, ipod and robotic.

Dumblemdores teachers army
Leadership and school effectiveness was the topic of this group.
Leadership is one of the main factors for the development of a school, and to have a quality education.
This charge rests with the principal and school institutions, as for example teachers.
With the leadership they take decisions that influence the educational process changes.
The effectiveness is demonstrated when the school students show a good development of their capabilities in line also with their families and context.
Here are some of the main characteristics of a leader:
Empathy, consistency, honesty, direction, communication, flexibility, conviction, positive attitude, they have to know how to manage failures and set backs, they take responsibility, …

Musical chairs
This group couldn’t do their presentation because of the time, but they help us to know of what they were going to talk.
This group topic was Learning Communities. We can difened it as the coordination in the classroom between teachers, students and volunteers.
They did a map divided in three, teachers, students and volunteers. These three have relation in pairs, but the three together have relation too, the communication, coordination, cooperation and collaboration.
Relation between students and teachers: The teachers is not the only one who has the knowledge. He have to help the students to get it. They give us some tips to this relation like share, help, guide and motivate students, and use constructivism methods.
Relation between students and volunteers: Volunteers share knowledge through their own experiences. In this way students are educated also in values. It’s good to be dynamic, fun and different.
Relation between teachers and volunteers: coordination and help each others to get the best of their students. It’s necessary trust, support, confidence and understanding.
This process has three phases:
                -Dream: in this phase they talk about all the possibilities to improve the centre.
                -Priorities: choose the feasible and needed proposals, to make in the reality.
                -Working committiees: put it in practice and solving difficulties.

Finally they had one video to show us. Was about a school in Albacete called ‘La Paz’, that collects the main ideas of their topic.

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