Hello! Our group is “Modern Students”! We chose this name after discovering the things we had in common. The members of this group are different but all of us liked TV serial, especially Modern Family and we´re studying teaching training, so this is the reason of our name. We have created this blog to post here all the things that we are going to do in the subject “Institutional Organization”.

Our logo is the same as the serial but we have written “Students” instead of “Family”.

We hope you enjoy this blog!

miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2016

Last post by María Encinas Ramos

The first group to present his project was that of "Friends of the football" and its theme was the inclusive schools. She was treated very interesting points of inclusive classrooms. This issue had already worked a little earlier but they knew well further information. They spoke of the collaboration between teachers, how they work together to improve the education of their students. In inclusive schools, teachers need a highly structured and careful plan. Give more opportunities, preparing students for the future real world that awaits them and the importance of certain values.
They talked about the difference between integration and inclusion and as usually people take it as similar concepts and they have nothing to do.

Different characteristics that shows this type of schools are diversity, heterogeneity, equality for all, established an educational community, freedom, democracy, justice, humanization, criteria of standardization, methodology is focused on the students not in content, families and the community take important in this type of schools since they actively participate in various activities...
Inclusive schools defined as: Assumes the principle of respect and recognition of the difference of students and that is organize in a flexible way.
They spoke of four authors: Gerardo Echeita, Gordon Porter, Tony Booth and Mel Ainscow thing which said things like: Measure what we value rather so valveing what we can build supportive communities or measure.
They also spoke of the barriers that are now to create inclusive schools. They spoke of barriers: - Policies (contradictory regulations) - Diversity (attitudinal and conceptual) - Didactics (teaching-learning) and they also mentioned some of the strategies you need to build an inclusive school emphasizing the creation of inclusive cultures, producing inclusive policies and practice of own inclusion.
They put as examples two schools in the first place the Opelouro School in Pontevedra and the Amara Berri School

The second group to expose was "Chronic travelers" who spoke about children with disabilities, and as technologies help to improve, to increase their participation in class, motivate them... They focused on three difficulties that may occur in some children. These were: autism, Down's syndrome and motor disability. They spoke of the difficulties of each one of them, the technologies that are good for these people and the results and consequences of the same.
Regarding autism, we saw that they had difficulty in socialization, language and imagination. Technologies that provide more benefits are the tablets, video games and this causes an integration support and support for the initiative.
As for Down syndrome they spoke that these people have difficulties with attention, they find it difficult to differentiate between old and new stimuli and little initiative. Technologies resulting to improve it is cameras and digital whiteboards as result you will get greater memory capacity and an increase in the concentration.
Finally, speaking of the motor disabilities they told us that these people have both physical and motor difficulties and have difficulties in adapting. To do this, the technology helps them through music player devices, computers and notebooks. The consequences of the use of these technologies is that they help in the adaptation of these people, also communication and comfort.

The third group to present his project was "Team Perk", their project called ICT and improvement schools. They divided the project into 4 parts: teachers and ICT, how to work with the ICT, social learning in schools and other tools.
Within the Group of teachers must be including the digital natives that refers to those who are already born in the technological era, digital divides that it refers to the gap between people who otherwise can't handle very well with technology and people educated in the technological era. Finally, future teachers who must adapt to the technology of the moment and learn to apply it in their classrooms to make their classes more entertaining and motivating. All this use of technologies always causes a series of advantages when it comes to working with them in the classroom but also brings disadvantages.
With respect to the social learning in schools can find numerous tools where students can find response to various problems such as social networks and the internet, know how to use different tools and networks to answer questions...
Some of the tools that our colleagues outside the conventional were applications, the iPad, and robotics that develops abstract thoughts. Finally presented a list of conclusions about their work which included for example: social networks provide lots of possibilities, the disadvantages can be resolved, and teachers must have a continuous training regarding technologies to not be outdone...

The next group was my own. Our theme was "Ways of living together in school" and we decided to split our work into four parts: the school mediation, assistance program between equals, the archaeology of feelings and finally some examples in which we put the example of a school of Finland, Kiva’s school, and a mediation program "students assistants".
First we talk about the figure of the mediator as a person who is responsible for resolving problems that may arise among students. These problems are caused by various reasons such as for example the structure of the family and his own tastes of children and lead to bullying, violence and school exclusion.
This is the mediator and this has two strategies to be able to solve this kind of problem: a preventive way realized until this violence, exclusion or bullying occurs; and a "therapy" to solve the problem which is once such problems have already occurred. We highlight some of the qualities of the mediator: willingness, confidentiality and personal intervention. The mediator also has a number of objectives, highlighting some as being the person who must identify emotions, the mediator should try to develop in children empathy, the mediator should try to children develop communication skills and the ability to listen, and also the mediator must try to children to express their feelings and thoughts in a non-aggressive way. The mediator may be a student, a teacher, parents of students or people employed but not dedicated to teaching as such.
The peer support program marked a series of characteristics, objectives, key to the realization or improvement and results in relation to the mediation how to improve direct participation of pupils, students will be able to share responsibilities, help improve the self-esteem of the students problems since it is one of the reasons causing most both people who suffer abuse as people who provoke abuse others and reduce the number of conflicts in the classrooms.
Our third point's work was based on a book by Miguel Angel Santos war entitled "The archaeology of feelings" where use archaeology as a metaphor for education and the problems encountered in it on a daily basis. The first step is excavation which refers to try to find what is the problem? , the investigation where we see the different types of relationships in the school: teacher-teacher, student, teacher-student... without taking into account the families and all of this forms a hierarchical vertical line. Here are two qualities that mentions the author of the book that are that all schools are equal and at the same time each of them is unique. Third inquiry referred to sentimental education now so established at the school. The fourth step is the practice where we have to do as a result of what is the problem and how we could fix it, and so there are three aspects that can be changed and are: concepts, practices and attitudes. Finally, we would find the exhibition, this passage refers to the moral responsibility that teachers have to share with the rest their good experiences, projects and results so that they can develop to a greater extent.
Finally talked about Kiva's school a school based on the mediation helps. Its purpose is to reduce the problems of bullying and offers assistance to both people harassed as harassing. It offers also a lot of online resources for students.

Student’s assistants video explains everything about the school mediation, environment that improves these situations, how to solve these problems... This is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsSVvB90sUY the next group was that of "The Unknows" and its theme was again as well as the "friends of the football" inclusive schools. His work divided in introduction, ideas, benefits, both questions and answers, and a conclusion. The ideas proposed by this group had much resemblance to those of the previous group to treat the same subject.
They talked about the barriers as the previous group: political barriers cultural educational barriers with the part of answers and questions could interact with the Group again talk about the difference between inclusion and integration or how we could make an inclusive school, how children could take conscience of this... etc.
Finally, they showed a video of father Piquer school, a school based on the acceptance of all people and cultures whose results are very good and work in a very dynamic and enriching way for students as teachers and families.

They followed the "Wanderlust" group and its work was on "Social and emotional learning". They spoke the importance of feelings in the school. It was a bit what he said my work in the part of "archaeology of feeling" the author of the sentimental education which must be now in all classrooms. They spoke of Rafael Bisquerra which gives equal importance to mathematics, history or any subject that the feelings and emotions of all persons that forms the College. This issue also has much to do with mediation since they proposed methodologies based on ask students how they feel every day, how come the rest of his companions... What we through the figure of the mediator explained, that development of empathy, of listening, of not expressed aggressively...
They related the subject with multiple intelligences, since these are intelligence inter- and intrapersonal, with these intelligences developed they wanted later to develop the "week of emotional intelligence" where each one should express how you are feeling and why, i.e., help others and let others help you to.
They also related their topic with the "cooperative learning", highlighting the importance of the problem of Bullying, as in our theme. They believe that through empathy many of these abuses can be solved and in our group also thought it sometimes get in the skin of the other is what makes you change the way you think and act.
At the end of the exhibition, they proposed an activity that could not perform for a matter of time. This activity was going to do was to say how you feel with "x" songs that they were playing, dividing the class into areas and assigning each area to a feeling. The person would displace that sense based on what find you music.

The next group was that of "Dumbledore Teacher complete Army" and the two questions that we were before this work were: 1. Why is a leadership important in school? And 2. What are the main characteristics of a good leader?
This group usually includes a fourth person in the works but in this this person worked individually with the same project, so your information posted on the blog as much as the Group's own have served me a great help to be able to answer the questions that Yolanda made us on this subject. Although I must say that despite being two works dealing with the same subject, each has a different approach with respect to question number 1 and from my point of view, I think the figure of a leader within a series of limits is important, I mean, there must always be a figure that check and take track of teachers, students... Also this person has to be the greatest example of the other members of the school and know guide all understanding and track. The limit is always at the level of superiority for me one thing is to be a leader and another that you're more than anyone or you can do what you want in any of the situations justifying be who you are.

As for question number 2, what are the characteristics that distinguish a good leader could be: A good leader should know what its strengths are and maximize them.
It should be, as I have said earlier, a guide for the rest of the people.
Leaders must be recycling is continuously in knowledge affecting his "group".
The leader, just like other people, must have a set of values, but the leader even more since its function is to guide other people and those people, children mostly, are growing so are at appropriate ages to learn certain values.
The leader must be a series of communication skills, be calm and peaceful. Work an atmosphere of relaxation.

The next group, could not be exposed and was the "Musical chairs", their theme was "Community learning" for the information that I have searched and helping me all the information you put on the blog with the poster and everything, community learning means co-operation within the classroom between teachers students but also people volunteers, promoting cooperation, collaboration, coordination, communication...
We focus on volunteers and with the aim of improving the school, these are people who do not have to have a degree and therefore cannot provide the teaching as such but that can help teachers, make lectures, activities... based on his own experience. As indicated in your poster the Professor is not the only person who can lead the children to get a series of values such as sharing, help, based on constructivism...
This process has three stages: Dream: where are put together all those ideas that could improve the College in any of its aspects. A bit like the book "archaeology of feelings" with the excavation phase, would be see what is the problem or what is going wrong.
Priorities: This aspect refers to the selection of such ideas put forward previously since it is very difficult to include all ideas at the same time and find a solution for all at the same time.
Working Committees: Refers to the action of putting these already selected ideas into practice to improve the education of our classrooms.

As conclusions to these works, I would highlight the importance of each of them. I think that we have all worked pretty well the issues and that we have been able to realize large quantity of things which includes a school, that not everything is as simple as it seems and all the issues relating but at the same time lots of the subtopics and I think that people should become more aware about all these issues to have greater knowledge and thus improve classrooms because many times education institutions do not realize the importance of students, their needs and honestly there is nothing more important in education than boys. They are the base and body of this whole system and therefore have to take care of them and improve their conditions as much as possible. All have important, inclusion, the technology that in addition to being more present in schools daily for its various benefits also we have discovered to be tremendously beneficial for children with difficulties such as autism... We end up with problems like violence and develop in children certain values so that they have empathy avoiding these problems and failing to make the children to express their feelings so that they feel better, to develop in a more healthy and motivating environment, all in relation to the methodology, including multiple intelligences is staffed by all these relationships with the own individual and the rest both students as teachers... by completing all the school hierarchy and thus see problems found in education and how to fix them both with the help of children, parents, teachers, leaders or directors, mediators and even volunteers whose sole purpose is improving the education and life of the children themselves.

With all this, we learn the task of a teacher is not easy unlike the stereotypes there right now for example in our society with respect to the teaching staff. Everything requires effort, time, and much sacrifice and what we have to do is try to find the best kids at the end and at Cape will be the future and work cooperatively to provide ideas, have greater knowledge and all get better little by little.

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