Hello! Our group is “Modern Students”! We chose this name after discovering the things we had in common. The members of this group are different but all of us liked TV serial, especially Modern Family and we´re studying teaching training, so this is the reason of our name. We have created this blog to post here all the things that we are going to do in the subject “Institutional Organization”.

Our logo is the same as the serial but we have written “Students” instead of “Family”.

We hope you enjoy this blog!

miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2016

Comments about the Cooperative Learning: Elia Rueda Molina

Musical Chairs

This one was the first group to start with presentations about cooperative learning. They did a well job, was a good presentation. They spoke with their own words about cooperative learning. Maybe, it could have been better if they weren’t the first group, because being the first group it’s a little difficult, you don’t know if the theory is right, the time,… Apart of explain the theory, they did a poster.
The activity was a good example of cooperative learning. We look for information of different countries in groups, and we had to decorate the boxes, and finally, we had to explain it to the rest of the class.

Amigos del Football

They did a powerpoint to present their project. I liked this group because of their raport, and ones helping their group members. They defined the method of cooperative learning, and how it can be used. They also treated the advantages and difficulties of cooperative learning. They explain us that it’s so important to reward all children in a class, and it’s so important the motivation too.
They give us in the presentation too much information, and ideas weren’t clear at all.
Their activity was like a Diana, to make children know better everyone in the group. We did a Diana, and we part it in 4 ( four members in the group), and in each part we put a thing about us, like favourite colour, film, hobbies,… When we finished the Diana, we had to talk about our group.

Team Perk

Team perk did a great work, good presentation. They used their own photos, of the school of Irina’s mom, because she is a teacher. The didn’t use all the time the powerpoint, the gave us own ideas. All the group participated equally, and the help among them.
The activity was in groups, with a ball, we have to say a rule and pass the ball to other of the group, and we had 1 minute. When the minute finished, the one that had the ball, had to come to the blackboard and put the rules he or she remember. And make a reflexion of all of them. The objectives were cooperative learning, having fun and memorize.

The unknowns

This group did a prezi, with all the ideas and information that they had about Cooperative learning. Making a prezi, they did the presentation more visual, to make us understand it better.
They did a Index, telling us of what they were going to talk. Any group did it before.
Their activity was about make a circle, the whole group, and pass a ball saying things that we like or we don’t like. The objective of the activity was to know the class better, and to know what things we have in common with our classmates.

Cronicas Viajeras

Their presentation was like a explication of a travel tour, giving examples like planeo r things to thake in the suitcase. They relationed their name with their information abut cooperative learning that they give us. Was so original and dynamic, I liked it.
The activity was call ‘La maleta’, the suitcase. We had to bring to class something that remind us to a travel,a memory, and givin reason of why they give us memories. First we did it in groups, and then, we had to explain to all the class, but not our, we had to explain the object of our classmate.

Dumblendore teacher’s army

They made a powerpoint explaning some ideas of cooperative learning, as his definition, why it is good to do it, how we can form group,…
Their powerpoint was based in the Harry Potter news papper, the Daily Prophet.
They put new ideas, like for example individual accountability.
Their activity was an interview, in pairs. We had to answer some questions to know each others, and finally, we had to go to the blackboard to talk about our parner.


I think this one was my favourite group. They make videos, with themself, explaining the cooperative learning unit. It was so visual, and let us clear ideas, it was good for us, and if they had to explain to children, they will give good use to those videos.
They went deeper with type of teams and techniques.

In the activity they did groups, and individually we had to put in a paper things about cooperative learning things we learn in their presentation, and in all the presentations. Then, with the groups we had to put ideas in common. They focus their activity like a sum, because they were the last group.

lunes, 14 de marzo de 2016

Comments about the Cooperative Learning: Patricia Zarza

The first group that presented the cooperative learning was Musical Chairs.
The first idea that I want to talk about their presentation is that they say that the cooperative learning is based on the respect, and I totally agree with them. The respect is one of the most important thing that you have to have when you are in a cooperative group; you have to respect the others opinion, the decisions of the group even though is not what you want to do, and the most important thing, you have to respect your own work and the work of your partners.
Other idea that they say is that working the cooperative learning in class is important because they have fun while they are learning new things. This idea is very important because most of the time the kids, with the traditional way of leaning, they get bored of doing the same thing every day, every week, every month… and with this way of learning, they will have to do different things in every task so they are continually working on new way of learning.
The next group was Amigos del Football.
Their presentation, at least the part that I liked the most was when they talked about the advantages and the difficulties of the Cooperative Learning. I think that the Cooperative Learning has a lot of advantages, but it also has one or two difficulties too.
Other thing that they talked about in the presentation was the importance of giving the pupils positive feedback when they do the things good, but you have to recompense all of the groups so you don´t make feel the kids that they work is not value.
And the last thing was the activity, and it was like a Diana where you have to write you name, and the things that you have in common with you group, so with this you get to know better the members of your group.
Then, the group that presented was Team Peark.
For this group, the thing that I liked the most was the sheet evaluation paper that they will use with their students. I found it very useful and interesting, because is something that any of the other group did and we can use it in a way where the kids also understand it.
Another thing that they talked about was the team and the class rules. They were spoken about how much important is for the group that everyone follow the rules properly so we can respect and listen to each other without any problem. And with this topic, they develop their activity.
Then their activity was with a ball. We get up and make a circle between our group and we were passing the ball while we were saying rules for the group and for the class also. I think this is a good way to get to know the rules that we have to follow in the way that we can work properly in the group and without any problems.
The next group was Crónicas Viajeras.
I really liked this group because they explain the topic as it was a tour trip and they were saying the examples as if we were in a plain or about the things that we have to put in or baggage as if was like the rules and the material that we have to carry to develop every task.
Their activity was about a memory that we have about any trip. We have to take into the class some gift, present or something that we have bought in a trip, and explain it to our partners of our group. Then, a member of every group have to stand up and explain some of the thing that their partners have said to him/her.
Then it was Unknowns group. 
This group explain us the importance of the roles in every group. They said that it was very important that the roles were rotary so each pupils, at least once, have taken every role and has experience how it is.
The also talked about the importance of the role of the teacher and how to act when they ask you for help. It is very important that you guide them into the answer but never giving then it without making then think about it first. The teacher here has to be a guide that helps you to develop you own knowledge.
Their activity was with a ball; all the class stand up making a big circle, and when someone pass you the ball, you have to say something that you like or you don´t like, or something that you are good or bad at it. This activity is good to make it the first days of class when not all the pupils know everyone, so with this they get to know all the people in the class better.
The next group was Dumbledore Teacher´s Army.
The thing that really loved about this group was the background of their presentation, it was the Daily Profect, the newspaper of the Harry Potter films, and I am really fan of Harry Potter so I liked it very much. But this thing has a disadvantage, and it is that I catch my attention so much that I could barely concentrate in what they were talking about because there were a lot of things to watch in the Power Point.
Other thing that I like it, and it is one of the things that I can say about their presentation is that they introduce new concepts that the other groups didn´t even talk about, so that is a good point for them.
And the last group was Wanderlust.
This group presented the ideas by a video, where they were drawing or acting the things that there were presenting in class, so it is a good idea to make the people that is listening to you to get interested in the topic.

Other thing that I liked about them is their activity. All of us were divided into 3 group, and first we had to think by ourselves what we have learn about the cooperative learning, but then, in the group, we shared ideas so we can really know all that we have been learning. This activity can be made with the children every time that they finish a topic, so they can remember everything that they have been doing. 
Patricia Zarza Iglesias

Cooperative learning presentations: Comments from Shab Hey

Musical chairs
The group musical chairs had a nice presentation about cooperative learning. At the beginning they explained how they worked together. They communicated a lot per the internet and whatsapp, also they met each other two times. The group explained what is important during a cooperative learning unit: The teacher should know his/her students, be a guide for the students and different students (different hobbies or from different cities) should work together. They also present us different techniques like peer tutoring. This means when one half of the class is the tutor for one day and the other half is the tutor in the next week. This method is modern because here not only the clever kids explain the weaker students something also the weaker students get the chance to explain and help others. Mostly I liked their poster. In my view it was a great guide for people who wants to know what cooperative learning is about. Also they had a really nice activity. It was very creative and the group members were very well prepared. For the next presentation I suggest to try to speak louder. Sometimes I could not hear what they just said.

Amigos del football
This group started their presentation with a well structured index. After that they mentioned rules for a group work which have to be full field from each group member. For example to be respectful or to be responsible. They explained different cooperative learning advantages: improve student’s interest and their communication, meet new friends, develop new skills etc. As well they talk about “disadvantages”. We discussed this term in class and agreed that is not right to call it this way. It’s makes more sense to call it difficulties, because conflicts of different opinions, different learning methods or work styles are not disadvantages of cooperative learning. Then they explained what base team, spontaneous and expert team are. At the end of their presentation they had a very nice conclusion. I like that the most because it’s a nice way to summarize the main points. The used activity was called “Diana”. Each group got a paper with a dartboard. After that the group asked a view question like what is your favorite color and everybody had to write the answer down. This activity is good to play in the beginning of the semester, school or of a groupwork, because you get know your partner. 

Team Perk
What I really liked about this group was that they explained everything pretty good and in their own words. It was easy to follow them during their presentation. As well the visualization helped a lot to understand the topic better. What I really liked was the activity, because you had to stand up and pass the ball, so you get active and it was fun. 

Cronicas viajeras
This group did also a very good job. It was great that they explained everything with lots of examples, so you could understand it easier. Also they talked about different characteristics that each individual has in a groupwork. Their activity I really liked. It was about your individual experience. You should choose a souvenir which you connect with a trip that you have done. After that you should explain it to your group and in the end students should be able to explain the object from another student. This is a good way to get to know your partner better and also it’s a good method to improve your listening skills. 

This group had a really nice power point presentation. The design was well done and it looked really interesting. So there was from the beginning a big motivation to listen. As the other groups they also explained basic teams, sporadic and expert’s teams. New was in this presentation the team plan. They explained that first the group has to establish long and short team goals. The second point is very important, it’s about regular reflections. This means that the team has to analysis different team - situation and give each other feedback. This is necessary because everything what you have learned during a project with your group you will need for the next project. The activity they have chosen is called “game ball”. In my view the visual explanation of the game was very good. All in all I think it was a successful presentation. My little advice for the next time is try to explain things in your own words. 

Dumbledore teachers Army
The design of the power point was great. It looked like a newspaper and had a directly reference to harry potter and so to their group name. But I also think that the power point was to full. It had many pictures and videos. It was sometimes hard to concentrate on the speaker. New was here the topic “promoting learning structures”. One example was problem set. It’s about different problems that can appear with homework like some kids can’t do their homework’s alone. Because of that the teacher can build teams, where the kids do their homework together. For the next presentation I advise to practice your speech loud in your room, maybe it will help you not to be nervous so much. 

This group supported their presentation with short videos. That was really impressive, because you could see how much work they put at these presentation. Even if we all have heard most of the things they told us about cooperative learning it was really nice and interesting to listen to their presentation because of the great videos. The message of their presentation was that learning have to be fun and I think with the presentation they showed us that learning can be fun.

miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2016

About Cooperative Learning, Maria´s comments

  About Cooperative Learning

I think that this exhibition has higher value since it is our first exhibition in English and for many, including myself, has been complicated.
Musical chairs.
The first group to expose was musical chairs. The main idea with which I'll stick, and which they themselves exhibited as one of the most important is the idea of respect. Cooperative learning is what requires among other things but is must be important for work.
Cooperative learning is fun and helps to discover the children themselves. They develop certain skills and abilities which, individually, perhaps you would not get. It is a kind of social constructivism, children are learning from his experience as a group and its individual figure as a participant in a group. The part that they were exposed as more complex was the raise the groups, activities...
As an activity we carry out some boxes, decorating them with photos, food, traditions of different countries.
In conclusion, the professor asked to tell a sentence of cooperative learning. I remember that they said something like that cooperative learning is entertaining, motivating and satisfying work and learn.
Amigos del football
For me this group had quite fluently and was a pleasant presentation.
We saw that there are no advantages and drawbacks but advantages and difficulties. They presented a clear divisions that can have class in the cooperative learning and they were adding new information. They set clear examples of things that would be telling.
The most interesting thing for me was one last slide in your presentation where exposed a series of benefits that provide cooperative learning as for example I remember that they said that you reducing the dropout. Technique that most liked this group was that of the puzzle; you focus on a subject and then explain it to your classmates.
Activity carried out was that of dartboard. They changed this target by a soccer ball, I suppose that in relation to its name of group, and in it we had to draw a series of circles. Each circle was a question we had to answer these questions. This game helped us get to know our colleagues from the Group of work, a little more of your tastes or hobbies.
Team Perk
Team Perk group, explained the topics in a simple way, they made a good exposure and everyone knew how to perform very well in the exhibition.
I liked to make photographs in a real class to explain the different forms of organization of the tables for the most optimal cooperative learning. It is always easier to remember something visually.
They spoke of class rules such as cooperative learning group standards. They just introduced them because the activity that we would do with them would be based on that. They explained the tasks that each person responsible for the group, adding new information again.
It was interesting the fact of themselves to create an own planning worksheet for class equipment.
Activity we did was with tennis balls. We had to go through the ball in our respective teams saying a series of standards that we thought we had to have as much in class as students as participants in a working group. Found me the activity fun and stimulating. None wanted to be the last to fall with the ball at the end since it would be that would be the slate to write the resulting ideas. We then discuss whether our ideas taken from the game had to be to class, to the Working Group, for both or none.
Crónicas viajeras
For me this was the most enjoyable presentation. They explained all the main contents, dynamic and easily.
It was interesting how this group associated with and was able to explain the division of students in cooperative learning through topics related to its own subject as a group. Travel, spoke of visits, museums... used examples to explain the theory.
They also spoke of the characteristics that you have as an individual in a working group, available... and the things that on the contrary you should not have in a working group since it only brings negative consequences both to the Group and to the work carried out by the same.
The activity that we perform with this group was entertaining. We all had to take a souvenir from a trip that we had made. Once again on the subject of their group. Once in class we had to explain to our group mates, which object had chosen and why and so meet us more between us. Then each student would explain the object of another companion and memories to give those objects.
Unknows made a clear explanation. Which, for me, this group said best was equipment division.
What I liked most about this exhibition was roulette made with ten ideas or rules that all equipment must meet and have, as for example share material or have a calendar of organization.  The phrase "None of us is as good as all of us together" marked important game we did was all kind in haw. So far we had not done so and it was good since so not only were allowed to meet the members of our group but the rest of our colleagues. We had to go saying things that we liked and we not liked doing, passing the ball to the person we would like to tell us something of him or her, trying to pass it on to someone with less treatment had. Once we remove the round, we group ourselves according to the things that we discovered that we had in common.
Dumbledore teacher’s army
The presentation of this group was incredible. It was all decorated in Harry Potter and I think make this Power Point to the group brought him enough work.
They added new ideas to the former, for example some of the benefits of the cooperative learning as positive interdependence. At this point in the presentation all groups already talked a little bit of the same but each team explained it in a way and this is what made this group. Speaking of things but from a different point of view, even modified the names of some of the cooperative learning techniques, very positive thing from my point of view its activity consisted of form random pairs with students of all kind, they handed us a sheet to each pair with a series of questions of all kinds. We had to ask the questions to our colleague and vice versa, so knowing you better. Then we should be able to explain what our colleague had told us.
This was the last group to expose. Through some videos and comic form explained how it worked the cooperative learning. While the video is playing on the projector, the team members explained the themes of work.
They also conducted a new organization plan, bringing together aspects of which he had seen with his own ideas. They also used the philosophy of cooperative learning in a different way, through the use of proverbs. The technique that best knew how to explain for me was Jigsaw, clear and simple. They spoke of the negative aspects of the cooperative learning in the sense that they saw that despite form these groups also had to have changes, improving little by little and to adapt to the environment.
With respect to their game, they changed knowing that the last group were of the same content. We grouped us randomly for a few numbers which we shared. On a sheet we had to write 3 or 4 ideas which we had captured about cooperative learning, then put them in common with the rest of our group and finally, wrote a series of ideas or phrases with the things in common that we had collected on an individual basis.
They established similarity between tree that formed the outline of your presentation with what they understood of the cooperative learning or performance of any classroom.

                                                                                                                           María Encinas Ramos. 

domingo, 6 de marzo de 2016

Cooperative learning: Our work

Here you can see the presentation on Power Point of the Cooperative Learning that we have presented on class the last Thursday.
You can downloaded liking here.  We hope that you enjoy it.
Modern Students.
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