Hello! Our group is “Modern Students”! We chose this name after discovering the things we had in common. The members of this group are different but all of us liked TV serial, especially Modern Family and we´re studying teaching training, so this is the reason of our name. We have created this blog to post here all the things that we are going to do in the subject “Institutional Organization”.

Our logo is the same as the serial but we have written “Students” instead of “Family”.

We hope you enjoy this blog!

martes, 26 de abril de 2016

My ideas for a new ideal school. Post about the videos :)

María Encinas Ramos, 1ºB Primary Education


1. It is difficult to talk about the ideal school in a real context. We all have many ideas, these ideas will be more or less good but really those ideas can be done? "Our ideal school" project we've seen different points of view, innovation... but with the sociological context that we also live we have seen that many of these things could not be performed as easily as we thought.
We speak of inclusive schools that collect all children without distinction, giving value to what make themselves, free schools based on projects rather than on theoretical content, the distribution of the College, the colorful for motivation, care of animals or plants to help the development of children, the resolution of problems of teachers How attend to diversity, violence or abuse... how to present this in today's society the fact of "fear", fear that can feel people who have grown up in traditional educational systems, or not only elderly people, also people think by 'x' motifs that an education based on memorization, exams, classes with tables and chairs in rows... is the best. Recently a teacher defended this way to teach classes in a documentary of the chain the sixth and was not a person of advanced age.
On the videos that I have seen, I have learned many new ideas, with some of them I can agree more than with others, I mean, there is an idea that I was surprised and in which I do not trust much that is on video telling the children to concentrate and sleep better with noise. The truth is that school presenting this video I liked by their spaces... but seemed to me rather insecure. The video saying something like "sometimes children need to fall, this will teach them the way in which the world works", for me this is relative, I do not think that the reflection refers to fall into fitness or at least sometimes, but even so that school children had positive things. 
Without a doubt, Ken Robinson video, I loved. The video spoke of the importance of creativity and how educational systems today it are "killing" because they leave no room for the arts, the educational system by establishing a hierarchy of subjects which at the top we find mathematics and language, a little below the humanities and at the bottom of the pyramid, the arts; and within this sector there are also levels, being the music first and activities as the dance the last. Robinson speaks of a reality that is being transmitted for years and that each day is more powerful and is the phrase "You don't miss the time with that because you are not going to work it or you not going to solve the life". Educational systems are based on creating an academic ability.
Mark three characteristics of intelligence, and these are that the intelligence is diverse, dynamic and unique. It is only in our hands to change this and to some extent the ideal school that built our working group was based on this. We didn't want to methodologies that urge in theory, in tests, create or force children to be suitable for "x" subjects, simply we wanted to educate children through games, things that develop their creativity, activities designed for each of the students who develop abilities that each of them had, using multiple intelligences, freedom so that each child to engage in what really excited him and have skills to do so. "Creativity is for me as important as literacy" lecture: Ken Robinson, Ted.

2 videos of my colleagues were really well, some ideas from our video coincided with the of their own, but surprisingly, little by little we are seeing errors or things that we could improve the current educational system and some of them are obvious.
Some of the features that the other groups highlighted in their projects were: the weight of the backpacks, which is true, many times we see children with backpacks that weigh a lot or even backpacks larger than the children themselves and this brings serious back problems. At first sight it can be very important, but it should be something that you should study because in the future of these children daily carry so much weight, brings many health problems.
They also highlighted the ethics of the school, a series of values that all members who organize a school or attending it should take into account that everything is easier and is made more enjoyable together as the subject of bullying.
Techniques to be a good teacher, us in our video talked about this from the position of problem-solving or from the point of view of cooperation between them to create new methods and help you, but it is true that the treatment of teachers with students, is also very important in our first semester at the University in the course of teaching we saw amount of techniques that a teacher should be friendly with his students but also be careful of crossing certain boundaries so your students at the end not lie you or does not comply with the criteria set out by Professor...
Classes that encourage cooperative learning as we have remarked I think in almost all of the videos if it is not at all. Bright kinds, colors, spaces in the open air...
The idea that parents could attend classes, we loved this idea, our group worked with her, was not the only one and we collected it from a video that Yolanda showed us in class. It creates a good atmosphere, between parents- teachers - children, which involves learning and cooperation.
Another important point that tried to projects was a diet or healthy food, creating a space that could strengthen once again the relationship between teachers and students without leaving aside the food subject of children is essential.
It is important that an ideal school focuses on children in their learning and their needs but those needs include motivation and the motivation of the children comes partly from the motivation of the teachers themselves. All teachers have to be taken into account, all of them are "leaders", and there are no differences between them. Teachers must be good with students, putting them in real-life situations, and give equal opportunities to all, being objective. The figure of the teacher as guide.
The use of technology, classes reduced number of students, teachers, causing the participation, feedback, self-expression, and breaks between classes of longer duration...
Also there was more than one group that is focused on compare our system educational with of other countries as of Turkey, Germany or Finland. The case of Finland is always there, since the course started Finland always comes out when we talk about qualities of a school, stands out as having one of the best educational systems in the world and the most efficient. The example of Finland helps us to realize really is not so difficult to create an ideal school, there are real-life examples and that if everyone wanted to we could reach these levels. An educational system based on projects, where the teacher is simply as a guide, which highlights the confidence. TRUST is the most important thing in this Finnish educational system and really works, beginning to not disparage the figure of all those engaged in the education sector.
Within the same class, we could create different zones dedicated to different intelligences, where all children learning but in its own way.
Laboratories, music classes, large green areas, specialized areas for sports, areas for exhibitions, relaxation areas, laboratories and classrooms for mechanic workshops, design...
Children are an indispensable part of the College, the most important without a doubt, that we were not the only group that was Student Council. It is important that children can express themselves freely, say what they think if it is from a position of respect and if there is a child with difficulty to do so in public, there is no better shape than the of the creation of this Council of students so children feel confidence and freedom to express their emotions and experiences working on these cases such important topics as we have said previously as violence...
One of the groups created up to a day for parents, teachers and children, the "Family Day", thus emphasizing again the importance that has the involvement of families in the education of their children.
One of the things that most surprised me that they proposed in one of the videos was that of class furniture. The fact that this furniture was flexible, to have several purposes and thus was more interesting for the children.
The idea of learning with your 5 senses and speaking of numbers, not qualify with numeric notes that this discourages students and causes them to develop too much competitiveness which produces too much pressure and stress on themselves.
Another important point is that of bilingualism. We are at a time in which the languages are fundamental and therefore both teachers and students must develop language skills in more languages, not only in their mother tongue.
Teachers will be required to be recycled, not be outdone, adapt to the new times to make teaching and learning easier for everyone.

3. As conclusion I will say what I started saying in this wording, it is difficult to create a school with all our ideas and with the situation we have today... but it is actually more difficult unless we try it never. There are many barriers that prevent us from creating certain things but there are many others that we could change if we know how, for example, the new law of education "LOMCE". This law requires teachers and as a result the children always invalid methods in connection with the issue of projects and theories, among other things. This law requires testing, number of theoretical issues, this causes that there is so many projects or as much involvement of students, therefore, less motivated students and teachers... at the end is like a circle, principle is always connected to the end. Currently we do not collect open spaces, or colors, or cooperation, projects, or multiple intelligences, nor sufficient economic support or parents in classrooms, nor constructivism... There are always teachers who seek to improve, in his own way, his own school, which taught class and many of them get it but this is too small and it is not their fault, maybe they have in their heads a lot better and a lot older ideas, but with barriers is difficult to change this... If the basis of the problem does not change it is difficult for the rest to do so.

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